Monday, March 31, 2008

Bless our Children

Promise of the Day:
Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.
(Psalm 27:3)

Good Morning Lord! As You well know, today is the anniversary of the birth of my son. He was a 6 lb. bundle of joy and blessing from You. O how I wished I could have protected his innocence from time. I wished I could have saved him from the sadness of this world, been able to even change the world for him, but I could not. I do thank You, though, for giving him to me for a short time. I had him just long enough to help him grow, and then with Your grace, I had to learn to let him go. And now, I ask that Your guardian angels will watch over him as they have in the past. I pray that Your sweet Holy Spirit will protect him from making wrong choices, and protect him from harm. Keep him in Your word. Touch him today with a special peace from You. Thank You for being his God.

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