Monday, October 1, 2012

I Am on God's Mind!

Did you know that God actually thinks about you, just YOU!  When I first realized this it was awesome to me.  It took me awhile to just sit and absorb it.   In Psalm 40:17 (Amplified Version) it states:  “I am poor and needy;  yet the Lord takes thought and plans for me…”

Just think about that!  With all the millions who are God’s children, yet because He is God, He thinks of me as though I were the only one.
Dear Lord, You call me Your beloved, and You call me by my name.  Your desire is to me, and Your thoughts of me are precious (Psalm 139:17)  You saw me being formed in my mother’s womb and loved me even then.  You have said You will care for me even to my old age and gray hairs.  I am the apple of Your eye and through You I am rich and possess all things. When I go to sleep, You see me; when I awake You are still with me.  Praise God, I am Yours, and I am on Your Mind!  Amen