Monday, February 28, 2011

B is for Bridegroom

Among the titles for God is the one used often for Christ, that of Bridegroom. The description of the Bridegroom is actually used 14 times in the New Testament. The Church is called the ‘bride of Christ’, and therefore as the Bride, is spiritually united with Christ, the Bridegroom.

When I was a young girl, my friends and I would often discuss what we wanted in a husband, in our bridegroom. Of course we wanted him to be handsome and rich, definitely rich! It would be nice if he was an important person, maybe president of the country. He should be a good person, and be a faithful husband.
How do all these fantasies of the perfect husband compare to Christ as the perfect Bridegroom? One book of the Old Testament I enjoy reading when comparing Jesus to the Bridegroom, is the Song of Solomon. He is said to be fair and ruddy, his appearance is excellent, stately and majestic. Our bridegroom, Jesus, will be the desire of all nations, one of beauty and majesty.
As to our Bridegrooms riches, they are infinite. He is heir of all things, and as His bride, we will be ‘jointheirs’ with Christ.

Will our Bridegroom be Important? Yes, He is the Son of the Most High God, Prince of Kings of the earth. He is equal to the Father, and Ruler of the Universe. Human language has no way of describing His glory—it is beyond words. It is through Him we live, and move, and have our being (Acts 17:28).

Jesus love passes all understanding. We are told His compassion’s are new every morning. His mercy and loving-kindness endures forever (Psalm 136). He loved His Bride so much He paid the price of sin and died in her place. He is willing to cover His bride with His own righteousness. He rejoices over the bride, and delights in her. Now, if that’s not ‘love’, what is!?

Will He be faithful? Truth and Faithfulness are Attributes of the nature of our Bridegroom. He will never change, which is another Attribute—Immutability. He is as faithful now as He ever will be or has been. He is ALL Faithful.
Christ will soon come to claim the bride, and we will reign with the Bridegroom for eternity. In the book of Revelation we read about our new home, the New Jerusalem. In John 14:2 He said He is preparing this home for us now.

For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
Let us rejoice and be glad
And give Him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come
And His bride has made herself ready,
Fine linen, bright and clean
Was given her to wear." Rev. 19:6-9
I for one can hardly wait to join my Bridegroom at that Celebration Banquet, our Wedding Feast. In Revelation 22:17 we are told "The Holy Spirit and the bride (true believers) say, Come!" and vs. 21 "Yes, come Lord Jesus!" Your Bride is waiting.

Monday, February 21, 2011

A is for Adonai

"Your NAME is like perfume poured out." S of S 1:3
"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your NAME in all the earth!" Psalm 8:1
"The NAME of the Lord is a strong tower…" Proverbs 18:10
What is in a name? There have been many names used for God down through the ages, and many of these are used because of the meaning behind the name. For the next few months I am going to go through the alphabet, thinking about a different name for God each week, and writing a brief, though hopefully enlightening synopsis of that name. It is my sincere thought that as Christians, we must continually be learning and growing in the Lord, so what better way than to learn about Him through His names.

To begin this exercise, I have chosen the name of Adonai. I have heard this name from time to time, but never did know the meaning behind it. There are other ‘A’ names that come to mind, such as Almighty, Alpha, and Anointed One, but I love saying the word "Adonai" pronounced (A-do-NAI). It catches my heart some way.

Adonai is the Hebrew name for ‘My Lord’. It is used in the Hebrew reading as a substitute for the name YHWH, Yahweh (Yah-ve) or Jehovah, with the primary meaning of "self-existant one". YHWH is called a ‘Tetragrammation’, using the 4 consonants of the Hebrew name for God. YHWH was considered too sacred to be spoken aloud, so the word ‘Adonai’ (Lord) is substituted for the name in utterance. The vowels of Adonai or Elohim (God) are inserted in the Hebrew texts so that the modern reconstruction of YHWH is Yahweh or Jehovah.

The first part of the word "Adon", means "steward administrator, master or Lord." By adding the "ai" this intensifies the meaning to mean the Lord of all, or Supreme Lord. Therefore, by using the title Adonai, we are emphasizing that God is sovereign, giving Him Lordship. It also places us in the role of servant, that is servant to our Lord, our Adonai.

The chorus to a song sung by Avalon:

Adonai, I lift up my heart and I cry
My Adonai.
You are the maker of each moment
Father of my hope and freedom,
Oh, my Adonai.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Who is the Holy Spirit?

When we think of Jesus, we know He had a human body so we have no difficulty in thinking of Him as a person. But to think of the Holy Spirit as a Spirit, and still a person is a bit harder for us to do. So we often hear it asked: Who is the Holy Spirit? What does He do? Where is He?

First of all, Who is The Holy Spirit? In Anne Graham Lotz’ book "Just Give me Jesus", she states that He is "another Jesus". When Jesus told His disciples another would be sent after He was gone, He said it was another just like Himself: He is exactly like Jesus, the Spirit of Jesus. In John 14:16 Jesus told them the Father would send "another counselor". In the Amplified Version it gives six other descriptions: Comforter, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and He Stands by. Can you imagine this? You have someone in your life to meet all these needs.

Another aspect of "Who the Spirit is", is that He is a person. Though He is a Spirit, He is a personality. He is co-equal, co-existent and co-eternal with God the Father, and Jesus the Son.

What the Spirit is NOT, regardless of our human imagery, He is NOT a ‘dove’, or a ‘flame of fire’, or an ‘experience’ or an ‘it’, or a ‘ghost.’ He is a spirit-person. He has a mind, intellect, and a will. Being one with the Father and Son, they have one will and work together in everything.

Where is the Holy Spirit now? Since that day of Pentecost over 2000 years ago, the Holy Spirit has dwelt within any person who has invited Jesus to come in. Anyone who has put their faith and trust in Jesus, accepting the sacrifice which He made at Calvary’s Cross, the Holy Spirit will make His residence in that life. The Holy Spirit is God’s gift to His children. He is a permanent resident in the lives of each believer. He will never leave us or forsake us.

What does the Holy Spirit do? His main purpose for man is to reveal the Truth of God. He also convicts us of sin. The Holy Spirit gives power. At creation it says in Genesis 1 that He hovered over the ‘face of the deep’. He hovers over our minds to help us understand the truths of God. The power that raised Jesus from the dead is the power that dwells within each believer. This same power that hung the stars in place now resides in every believer.

The Nicene Creed, which I have quoted from before, also pays tribute to the Holy Spirit as being Himself God and equal to the Father and Son:

I believe in the Holy Spirit
The Lord and giver of life,
Which proceedeth from the Father and the Son,
Who with the Father and Son together
Is worshipped and glorified.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Who is Jesus?

As we said last week, we get to know God through Jesus, and what He did for us. Jesus is unique, revealed in His conception and miraculous birth from a virgin. He was sinless, and His powerful teachings have been carried down through the ages.

In Isaiah, 700 years before Christ was born, Isaiah wrote in 7:14 "Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign. Behold a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name, Emmanuel." Unique? Yes! Never in the history of the earth had this happened before or since Jesus birth, let alone to be predicted centuries before it came about.

He was sinless. II Cor 5:21 states Christ, who knew no sin, became sin for us; and in I John 3:5 we read "and in Him is no sin." I like to read the description of a scene in heaven, which John describes for us in Revelation 5. There was a scroll, which could only be opened by one worthy, one who was sinless and victorious. No one in heaven or earth was worthy until in verse 5 it says, "see, the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Jesus) the Root of David, has won. He can open the scroll…" He alone was the perfect Lamb and the Son of God, Jesus. He was the ‘lamb without blemish’ from I Peter 1:19.

Jesus gave many sermons while He lived among men. The most well known is probably the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5. He gave over 60 recorded parables listed in the four Gospels. Because of what John said in John 21:25, we know there was so much more: "And there are also many other things which Jesus did. If they should be all recorded one by one (in detail) I suppose that even the world itself could not contain (have room for) the books that would be written."

What about Jesus as God and how He fits into eternity past? In Colossians 1:17 it says, "Christ existed before all things…" He said of Himself in John 8:58 "Before Abraham was born, ‘I Am’…" "I AM" is a name for God, so He is saying He is God. In John 5:18 He claims equality with God.

When Christ was on earth He did not hesitate to use the plural form when speaking of Himself, the Father, and the Spirit. John 10:30 states "We will come unto Him, and make our abode with him." And again "I and my Father are one." Jesus has always existed, and He will live forever! He is eternal.
Over 1600 years ago church fathers wrote the "Nicene Creed" which condenses the teaching of the New Testament as to the Son as one with the Father:

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ
The only-begotten Son of God,
Begotten of Him before all ages,
God of God, Light of Light,
Very God of Very God,
Begotten, not made,
Being of one substance with the Father,
By whom all things are made.

There is so much here we do not understand, as to think about God we must use our human-thoughts, and words, in trying to explain our Creator. So I leave you with this very brief description of Who Is Jesus. But this one thing I do know: I know He is my Savior, my Redeemer, I adore Him, I love Him, and that’s enough for me! So be it!