Friday, May 30, 2008

Beauty for Ashes

Promise of the Day:
Fear not, thou worm Jacob...
I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth.
(Isaiah 41:14-15)

O Lord, sometimes I do feel like such a worm. As Isaiah said "I am undone..woe is me". But You are a God of the unlovely, the unsuccessful, the broken pieces. You are the God who can take my ashes and make me into something beautiful (Isaiah 61:3). You can take this crushed miserable being of myself, and make me an instrument of peace, a channel of blessing, a useful human being. Here I am, Lord, use even me.
Follow Me, and I will make you...
Make you what you cannot be--
Make you loving, trustful, godly,
Make you even like to Me. (L.S.P.)

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