Friday, July 4, 2008

My Ebenezer

Promise of the Day:
"...Ebenezer...'Thus far the Lord has helped us.'" (I Sam. 7:12)

You, O Lord, are my Ebenezer. You have helped me all of my life. Even when I thought You had turned away from me, I found that You had been there all the time; it was I who had turned away. You have taken all of my mistakes and sins and worked them all to the good to draw me to Yourself. You hear me when I call, You are my strength and help in time of need. And why? Why have You done this, Lord? Not because of anything that I have done, but because of Your mercy and grace. In Isaiah You say You do it "for Your own sake". It pleases You. It brings glory and honor to You. Psalm 63:3 states "because your loving kindness is better than life, my lips will praise you." With my lips I give You my "Sacrifice of Praise". You are 'My Ebenezer'! Amen

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