Friday, April 4, 2008

God's Word

Promise of the Day:
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me. (John 14:21)

Lord, Paul tells us that after we have been forgiven by You, then we are to forget the past with all its failures, mistakes, sins, and to press forward. So I will take today as a new beginning, the first day of the rest of my life; put Your Word first in my life, hiding it in my heart. Psalm 119 is all about loving Your Word (vs. 47, 48), following Your precepts (vs. 78), using it as the light for my path (vs. 105). It is by Your Word I find comfort in a time of weeping (vs. 50), praises and songs for each new day (vs. 171, 172). Your Word is sweet to my taste! (vs. 103) Your Word revives me and gives me strength. Your Word is my delight (vs. 35). O Lord, teach me and give me understanding (vs. 34). Thank You, O Lord, for Your Word, a priceless blessing! Amen

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