Tuesday, April 15, 2008

All Things

Promise of the Day:
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

My prayer today, Lord, is a paraphrase of this verse from Ruth Myers book "31 Days of Praise".
"Thank You, my loving and sovereign God, that my failures and mistakes are part of the 'all things' You work together for good . . .as well as my tensions and stresses, my hostile and anxious feelings, my regrets, my trips into shame and self-blame--and the specific things that trigger them. I praise You that 'all things,' including these, can contribute to my spiritual growth and my experience of You . . ." And from Psa. 61:2: "When my heart is overwhelmed, I'm more aware of my need to cry to You. . . to take refuge in You . . . to rely on You." Thank You Lord, that you do use 'all things' to play a part in Your good plan for my life. Amen

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