Thursday, October 9, 2008

God Uses It for Good

Promise of the Day:
And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison...
But the Lord was with Joseph...
and that which he did, the Lord made it to prosper.
(Genesis 39:20-21, 23)

Dear Lord, my mind often goes to Joseph when life seems to get difficult. What happened to him was meant for evil by the brothers, yet You turned it all around for good. Satan often tries to thwart Your work and discourage Your people, and he knows I am an easy mark. But I am learning to know that YOU can turn it all into good. My job is to keep my gaze on You and put joyous trust in You as Joseph did. The Joy of the Lord is my strength. Show me Your desire for me and fill my heart with You. A quote from Madame Guyon: "I have learned to love the darkness of sorrow; there you see the brightness of His face."

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