Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Promise of the Day:
My Father is the husbandman. (John 15:1)

Lord, You are in ALL of the events of my life which means even the sorrows that come to me. Even the pressures of pain, as well as the good times. Isobel Kuhn calls the times of pressure "platforms". And so they are; each causing me to step higher and be closer to You. We learn in the good times, we learn in the hard times. I just pray, Lord, that any lessons coming my way will not be wasted. You are in control of the whole of my life. You may have to prune the vine of my life all the way down, but the outcome will be the greater abundance of fruit. There are blessings known only to the 'husbandman' that we can never have unless we are ready to pay the price of pain, and reach the next platform.
You are my 'husbandman'. You know the way I take. Amen

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