Friday, September 26, 2008

My Lord

Promise of the Day:
"And Thomas answered and said unto him, 'My Lord and my God.'".
(John 20:28)

Dear Lord, Because You are God and cannot lie, You are bound by Your Lordship to care for me, protect me, and provide for me. In return I am not only duty bound to obey You, but it is with a grateful heart I am going to bow before You and proclaim as Thomas did "My Lord and my God". My loyalty comes to You not because of what You can do for me, but because of what You did do for me on Mount Calvary. You gave Your life, what more could You give. My faith is in You Lord. A. W. Tozer states that 'faith is the gaze of the soul upon a saving God.' And so I bow before You lifting up my hands to praise You. I will honor You and obey You, my God and my King. Amen

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