Saturday, August 16, 2008


Promise of the Day:
"I will make all my mountains a way." (Isaiah 49:11)

Lord, I think this is what the verse means which states if my faith is no larger than a mustard seed it will remove mountains. We all have mountains, and some loom very high. It's not only the rocks in the road, but the mountains that cause me to lean so heavily on You. Since I pray for grace and patience, what else can I expect but to come face to face with a mountain in the path. Moses had mountains and he found You there. He first met You on the mountain at the burning bush. Later he received the law while on the mountain. Another time his face 'shone' as he had been with You, on the mountain. These mountains are from You, Lord, and I pray that my life will show that I have met You even on the mountains. Amen

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