Friday, February 29, 2008

My Compassionate Saviour

When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, "Don't cry." (Luke 7:13 NIV)

Dearest Lord Jesus, when You were here on earth in human form, it states You were a 'man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.' And when you died on the Cross You took on Yourself all the sickness, all the sadness, all the sin of the world, so that when I hurt, or am tired, or lonely, or sin, I just come to You and cast it all on You. You have borne my sorrows, and carried my griefs. You have put my tears in Your bottle (Psa. 56:8). Your Spirit groans for me when I am unable to pray. You carry me on eagles wings and cover me with Your feathers (Psa. 91). Thank You, Lord. Your compassion surpasses all! Amen

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