Wednesday, December 10, 2008

He is Called 'The Door'

Promise of the Day:
'I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.' (John 10:9)

Dear Lord,
I have read that at the time You lived on earth (and it may still be in that part of the world) that a shepherd actually was the door of the sheepfold. At night after putting his sheep in, he would lie down across the threshold. All the sheep that entered in were then safe. In the morning they would again go out to find pasture. You are just like that as my shepherd. Once I enter in You are the door of safety, and You will lead me to pastures green; You will lead me beside still waters. You are my Shepherd-King, and I will praise You and follow You throughout eternity. Amen

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