Monday, January 4, 2010


For the past few days I have been pondering the 'Kingdom of God', and wondering how to put this in a few short sentences.

The actual Kingdom of God is wherever God reigns in absolute authority. God's Kingdom covers both time and eternity. For this time, the time we call the 'Age of Grace', He says in Luke 17:21 that the 'kingdom of God is in you." God reigns within each of His children through the Holy Spirit.

While we are still in 'time' God is going to set up His Kingdom on earth for a thousand years with Christ ruling the world. This is where we will find peace on earth, and the lion will lie down with the lamb.

God's Kingdom is not of this world. Jesus said this in John 18:36. In I Corinthians 6 Paul says the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God; but when we were sanctified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of God, we inherit the Kingdom for all eternity.

My Prayer:
Lord, Someday there will actually be your Kingdom on earth, where you are the King, and for this time the whole of earth waits. During this age of 'Grace', Luke 17:21 tells me Your Kingdom is within me and the hearts of every believer. I know from Ephesians, that the "Fullness of God" is within me, so I have the whole of the Godhead within me. The Spirit is in me, I am in Christ, Christ is in the Father, I am one with You! I am Your kingdom! Reign in me, O King eternal! Amen

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