Monday, January 25, 2010


Here are some verses showing us how important it is that we forgive others. In Colossians 3:13 we are told to "be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as Christ forgave you." If for no other reason, we should be forgiving because Christ forgave us. How often? Matthew 18:22 states "seventy times seven". If one could even count the times, by the time one reaches 490, it would have become a "Holy Habit" to forgive.

In Matthew 18 our Lord gives His disciples the example of a master forgiving his servant a great debt. The servant in turn was unwilling to forgive a fellow servant and had him thrown in prison. The master was then angry and said that he had forgiven the servant so he in turn should have had mercy on his fellow servant.

Ephesians 4:32 states we should be " God in Christ forgave you."
Mark 11:25 shows how a forgiving spirit is required. From The Message translation it reads: "If you have anything against someone, forgive--only then will your heavenly Father be inclined to also wipe your slate clean."

We see from Scripture, forgiving others is not a suggestion, but it is required.

My Prayer: Lord, I used to puzzle over this. How can I forgive so that You will forgive me? I am the sinner with the inability to do good. Then I realized You are talking to Your children, to me, a joint heir of Christ. If I cannot forgive, then I do not have 'the mind of Christ.' If I do not forgive, then there is a rift between You and me. I have lost my fellowship. As it states in Colossians 3:13 "even as Christ forgave you." You forgave me all, and have looked beyond my fault. How can I do less then to forgive also? The Spirit is in me; I am in Christ, Christ is in the Father. We are one, it is our nature! Amen

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