When the Children of Israel were in the wilderness, they had no means of getting food. God sent them 'manna', bread from Heaven. When Elijah was by the brook Cherith, God sent him bread morning and night, along with meat, to sustain him. When Jesus fed the multitudes, He used bread with the fish. Bread is a very important component to our daily lives. It has nourishment with vitamins and minerals.
Yet, in Deuteronomy 8:3 it says "man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord." God cares for our bodies, and we should thank Him each time we are blessed with our daily food, but more so, we must feed on the "bread of Heaven." The true bread of God is Jesus who comes down from heaven to give us life. We feed on Him by spending time in God's Word every day. I love the Song "Fill My Cup Lord" by Wanda Jackson, and in the chorus it says "Bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more--"
My Prayer:
Lord, Just as we need our "daily bread", which is food for the body, so we also need our daily food for the soul from Your Word. I am finding that I must meditate on You and Your Word daily as You are the bread from Heaven who gives life to the soul. When You give Your children a job to do, You provide for the body also, as with the Israelites, or Your prophets, or the widow and the oil. You are the "Bread of Heaven" and I pray to be filled up with You! Just give me Jesus! Amen
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