Of the two words making up the word 'omniscient', we have 'omni' which means "all", and the word 'sciens' which refers to knowing, and also gives us our word in English for 'science'. By putting these two words together we have the word 'omniscient' meaning infinite knowledge, or knowing all things. This can only refer to God, as He only knows all things. He alone possesses perfect knowledge and therefore has no need to learn.
To give some understanding to our Almighty God, we can give the negatives approach by saying what He is not. In the case of omniscience, we would say God has never learned, and He cannot learn. In other attributes, we can say He suffers no change, He cannot lie, He had no beginning, He needs no help, He has no limitations.
God knows all: all thoughts, all creatures, all secrets, all things visible and invisible in heaven and earth. He knows no one thing better than another, but all things equally.
This all knowing, Almighty God, knew each one of us before He created time. He knows all about each of us, our thoughts, our secrets, our infirmities. He is never surprised or amazed.
This fact that God knows each one through and through should cause man to fear God, since He knows all our hidden sins and thoughts. David stated "whither shall I go from thy Spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?...If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. Yea the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day." (Psalm 139:7,11,12)
Our Father in heaven knows our frame that it is dust. Jesus took on a human body, and felt the same pain and sorrow we do. His knowledge of us is even more than the fact that He is all knowing, He actually has experienced it and has compassion. Whatever comes our way, or happens to us, God knows all about it and cares for each of us as no one else can.
1. Websters New World Dictionary
2. The Holy Bible
3. The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W.Tozer
4. From the heart of CC
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