For the next few weeks over the Christmas Season and the New Year's Holidays, we will discuss the prayer our Lord taught His disciples. It is better known as "The Lord's Prayer." This well known prayer is found in Matthew 6:9-13.
Jesus told his disciples that they should pray like this: "Our Father Who is in heaven...". In John 20:17, he referred to His Father as "My Father and your Father", showing that He was not only the Father of Jesus, but also of His disciples and followers and even including me. In Romans 8:15 & 16 Paul says that " have received the Spirit of adoption (the Spirit producing sonship) in (the bliss of) which we cry, Abba (Father)! Father! The Spirit Himself (thus) testifies together with our own spirit, (assuring us) that we are children of God." This is quoted from the Amplified translation, giving some added meaning to the verses.
My prayer to my Father: Father, Father, my very own Father! You are Holy! Hallowed and Holy is Your name! And You have accepted me as Your child, a joint heir with Christ. This is all so very incomprehensible to me. Because I am unable to believe this in my finite state, You have given me Your Spirit to give witness to my spirit, and He assures me I am Your child. You are the Living God and You are my Father. Therefore I can cry out to You 'Father, my Father Who is in Heaven!" Amen
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