The word Omnipotent means 'having all power'. The word is derived from the Latin words of 'Omni' meaning 'all', and 'potens' meaning 'power'. This word is identical in its meaning with the more common word of 'Almighty'. If one likes statistics, it is interesting to find that this word 'almighty' occurs fifty-six times in the English Bible and only does refer to God. He alone is Almighty, Omnipotent. In Revelation 4:6 John says "Alleluia! For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth."
Omnipotence is not a name given to the sum of all power, but it is an attribute of a very personal God, and a God who is infinite. Whatever He does is without limit; therefore He has limitless power, He is 'omnipotent'. He has no less power at one time than at another time; He is 'all power' all of the time.
With God having all power, He created this world and everything in it by speaking it into existence. In Psalm 33:6 it states that all came into being by the 'breath of His mouth'; just a mere thought or sigh. Paul states in Romans 1:20 that nature itself gives evidence of the eternal power of God.
This is the God we worship and this is the God who with all His power, with all His creation, is mindful of me, of you; and cares for each one of us with love, compassion and mercy. This is the God who provided a way for our salvation that we will be able to spend all of eternity with Him as His child. Thank you, Almighty Father, You are so good!
1. The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W.Tozer
2. The Holy Bible
3. The Attribute of God/ online
4. The heart of CC
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