Monday, December 14, 2009


Again we have an attribute of God beginning with the prefix 'omni'. Omni gives a universality to the word, a completeness, all inclusive. The word 'present' means right here, close, next to.

God says of Himself in Jeremiah 23:24: "Do I not fill heaven and earth?" He is present in all places.

We have already learned that God is infinite, He is limitless. Therefore we cannot limit His presence. He surrounds and fills all that exists. Hildebart of Lavardin wrote "God is over all things, under all things, outside of all things, within but not enclosed; without but not excluded, above but not raised up, below but not depressed; wholly above presiding; wholly beneath, sustaining, wholly within, filling.

David understood the omnipresence of God as he stated in Psalm 139, "...if I ascend into heaven thou art there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me." (vs.7-10)

The thought of the omnipresence of our God should bring the believer a real joy. Perhaps this is what Paul meant when he said "sorrowful yet always rejoicing." Even though the going is rough, the believer will have comfort and therefore a joy knowing our God is present. It is as a child may cry out in pain, even when sheltered in the comfort of its mother's arms. We still may suffer, yet we know we are not alone. God is ever present with us. This precious thought should calm troubled hearts and speak peace to our souls.

1. Truth for Today online: God is Everywhere Present
2. Knowledge of the Holy by A.W.Tozer
3. The heart of CC

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