Monday, August 24, 2009

Why Do Christians Suffer?(Part II)

The question is often asked, "Why do Christians have to suffer?" "As a Christian, shouldn't we be exempt? " "Doesn't God care?"

Last week I gave a reason for Christians suffering because we live in this world of sin. As long as we are alive in this world, marred by sin, we will experience what comes to all mankind. The Bible states that it rains on the just and on the unjust (Matthew 5:45). But the difference for a Christian is that we have the Lord, and He is always with us.

Reason # 2 for a Christian suffering, is that all sin has its consequences, whether one is a believer or an unbeliever. These consequences seldom only effect that one person who may have sinned. If one is a spiritual leader who wanders from the things of God, these consequences may be far-reaching, and cause suffering to many people. Just because one may become more mature in years, or has walked with the Lord many years, does not make that one immune to the old sin nature.

Let me use an example from II Samuel 12, when Nathan the prophet confronted David of his sin with Bathsheba, and against Uriah. David repented, yet he had to live with the consequences for the rest of his life. His baby died, misery was brought to many people, and his own children turned against each other so that his household had no peace.

In II Samuel 24, David again sinned when he ordered a census to be taken without God's leading, his greatest sin being pride. He again repented and was forgiven, but he had to pay the consequences, and as a result 70,000 souls died. Just think of all the many families who suffered, because of one man's sin. No man is 'an island', and what may seem a small hidden sin, can have far-reaching consequences, bringing suffering to oneself and others.

Even if our suffering is due to the consequences of sin committed, we still have a merciful, forgiving God. Whatever suffering follows as a consequence to sin, our Lord stays right beside us; He never leaves us. He suffers right along with us.

Sin often has to pay an awful price. The Old Testament is full of examples of man having to pay the consequences of sin. But in the New Testament we are shown God's Grace. Jesus paid the price, and through His Grace He forgives and stays with us through the consequences. He never leaves us. Oh What a God!

Next week we will discuss a third reason for a Christian to suffer. This one is that I believe God allows suffering when it will glorify Him.

1. Scripture from The Holy Bible
2. From the heart of CC

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