Monday, August 10, 2009

Praise to the Holy Spirit

In John 14:16 we read: "And I will pray the Father and he shall give you another comforter." Just who is this comforter? This comforter is none other than the Holy Spirit. Anne Graham Lotz refers to Him as "another Jesus". In a sense this is a good description as He is the 'Spirit of Christ'. His job is to show us Jesus, to manifest Jesus, and to help us have the 'Mind of Christ'. The Nicene creed pays tribute to the Holy Spirit as being Himself God and equal to the Father and to the Son:
I believe in the Holy Spirit
The Lord and giver of life,
Which proceedeth from the Father and the Son,
Who with the Father and Son together
Is worshipped and glorified.
My Prayer of Praise:
Spirit of the Living God, Sweet Heavenly Dove, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Glory, fall fresh on me today. Teach me, melt me, mold me, and give me the 'mind of Christ'. Thank You for giving me a new life. Take over my whole being, fill me with Your love and comfort. Fill every nook and cranny of my heart, fill every cell of my body. Spirit of Prayer, teach me to pray. Thank You for presenting my prayers before the Father according to His will. Thank You for giving me the Spirit of Adoption, so that I may say "Abba, Father".

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