There are three primary names of God in the Old Testament which are:
Elohim - God. The Strong Creator (Genesis 1:1) (this is a plural word)
YHWH - LORD. The Self-existing One (Gen. 2:4) (German word is Jehovah)
Adonai - Lord/Master. The Headship Name (Gen. 15:2)
The Hebrew for Jehovah is YHWH, pronounced 'yahweh' or 'Yah-Ve'.
The Primary meaning is "self-existent One." He is a Personal and Present God--the eternal "I AM".
Exodus 3:14 God referred to Himself as "I AM that I AM". He told Moses to say "I AM hath sent me unto you." The eternal, yet personal and present God had sent Moses. He is because He Is--the cause of His being is in Himself. The root idea is that of underived existence.
Jesus uses this expression in John 8:58 when He tells the Jews "Before Abraham was 'I AM'". Revelation 1:8 further enlarges upon the name: "I am the Alpha & Omega, the beginning and the ending...Who is, and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty."
Jehovah is used as a compound with words which further reveal His meeting all of our needs. The first to be used is Lord God, or Jehovah Elohim, found in Genesis 2:4. Elohim is translated in English simply "God". The word itself is a plural noun in form (suggesting the triune God) but singular in its meaning, suggesting unity--as One. Elohim is a general term used for God until Genesis 2:4 when the word Jehovah (Lord) is used. Jehovah Elohim suggests a special relation of Deity to Man. According to Ungers Bible Dictionary, Jehovah represents God in His relation to His chosen people, and Elohim represents God to the world at large.
In Genesis 22:14 Abraham uses the name Jehovah-Jireh meaning, "the Lord will provide". This is a promise we have had down through the ages. He not only provides for all our needs, He also provided the sacrifice for our sin through Jesus.
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