Genesis 15:12 "Lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him."
Abraham was experiencing a weariness of soul, a deep sorrow and fell into a sleep of a deep darkness. Have you ever been in this place where you have such deep sorrow of a loss of a loved one, a turning away of a beloved child, or perhaps a cruelty almost too hard to bear? You wonder how a loving God can allow this to happen? You even feel you do not know what to pray or how to pray. I have a dear friend who experienced this when she heard of the death of her granddaughter. She could not pray. She could only groan--a sound from deep within. Scripture tells us that when we do not know how or what to pray, the Spirit takes this sorrow, this hurt, to the Father in groaning we cannot fathom. I have had times when I was numb, and could only sit and stare. Now I know that at times like these I can lean on Jesus and in quiet trust the Spirit takes the cry of my heart to the Father.
When Jesus died, the disciples clung together as they mourned their friend, probably feeling a total darkness of their souls. They no doubt wondered how a night could be so long and dark. Yet, even in the darkest night, morning comes. Death and darkness will flee and life and light will come again.
So cling to Jesus, dear one, when the darkness falls, and feel the peace that passes all understanding. Remember when you do not know what to pray, the Spirit prays for you.
The most exquisite work and greatest blessings may come out of this darkness. Isaiah 45:3 states "I will give thee the treasures of darkness."
Diamonds are formed in the darkness of the earth. A butterfly is formed in the darkness of its cocoon. A baby is formed in the darkness of his mother's womb.
When our Lord took on the form of man, His earthly life began in the darkness of His mother's womb, and it ended in the dark tomb from which He rose to light and glory. So if shadows come and darkness falls for me, for you, give it to Jesus. He can change the ashes into something beautiful. He can bring good and beauty out of pain and darkness.
From the heart of CC
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