Monday, August 16, 2010

Inspiration From the Psalms

So many Psalms have spoken to God’s children’s hearts down through the ages. The Children of Israel sang them; they were sung by the early Church in the First Century AD. We don’t know the tunes from those long ago days, but many have put them into song in recent years, or been inspired to create new verse from some of them.

My mother was blessed with the ability to write both words inspired by the Psalms, and some she put to music, either the Psalm as written in the Bible, or her own inspired words from the Psalm. The following is one she wrote from Psalm 121:1 & 2 entitled
"I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes":

"I will lift up mine eyes to the hills,"
The mighty ageless mountains.
The towering rocks,
The wooded hills,
The streamlets tumbling down the rills;
The rushing falls,
The lakes serene,
The mighty peaks that I have seen.

"I will flee as a bird to the hills,"
My anguished heart once said.
In them find joy
Where troubles cease,
Amongst the hills there’s surely peace.
But lo, there was no peace of mind,
No ease from sorrow could I find.

Then a question clear I heard,
"From whence shall my help come?"
From towering rocks?
From wooded hills?
From streamlets rushing down the rills?
I pondered long,
And dark my way—
Till God revealed Himself one day.

Yea, my help cometh from the LORD,
The ONE who made the mountains.
His Mighty Word,
His loving Hand
Did make these hills on which I stand.
In HIM alone I now can see
Is perfect peace and VICTORY.
-- By Marjorie S. Paton


Anonymous said...

your mom is a good writer. It reminds me too...I love a lot of the old hymns.

WingAbouts said...

What a wonderful spiritual legacy your mother has left for you! I can see in her way with words where you get some of your writing talents from :-)