Monday, May 11, 2009

Angels - Part II

God used His angels throughout Scripture as special messengers. In Daniel 10 there is an interesting story about the angel who states in vs. 11 "For unto thee am I now sent." Then the angel goes on to tell Daniel that he was bringing Daniel the answer to his prayers but was held back by the forces of Satan, referred to as "the prince of the kingdom of Persia". This brings real meaning to the verse in Ephesians 6:12 where it tells us to put on the whole armor of God "for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

In Daniel 8:15 after Daniel had seen the vision of the 'little horn', a specific angel, Gabrial, came to explain to Daniel the meaning of the vision. Gabrial is used often in Scripture to deliver messages to God's servants.

In Matthew 1:20, and 2:13 the angel appeared to Joseph on two different occasions giving him messages. The first one assuring him that he should take Mary for his wife, that she had conceived of the Holy Spirit; and the second time to warn him to take his family and flee into Egypt. In Luke 1:11 the angel came to Zacharias when he had gone into the temple, and told him that his prayer had been heard and he and Elizabeth would have a son, whose name would be called "John". In Luke 1:25-33 the angel came to Mary and gave her the message that she would bring forth a son, the Son of the Highest.

Luke 2:9-14 gives us the story of the angel that came to the shepherds with the message that Jesus had been born, and this angel was joined by a multitude of heavenly hosts. They were so excited that all the angels wanted to be a part of this glorious and awesome message.

In Matthew 28:5 an angel rolls the stone away from the grave, and meets the women with the message that Jesus was no longer there, but He had risen. The angel gave the women a special message from Jesus for them to take back to his disciples.

All through Scripture we find that God used His angels to make His will known to man and to communicate His decisions to him.

Next week we will see how angels touch our very lives. . .

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