Friday, February 5, 2016

'N' is for Nissi

 When put together with the name of Jehovah, ‘Nissi’ means, “The Lord is my Banner”, Jehovah-Nissi.  Moses was the first to use this name in Exodus 17 when the Israelites were fighting the Amelikites.  As long as Moses held his arms high, the Israelites were winning.  After the battle ended, he built his alter called “The Lord is my banner” as he knew the victory belonged to God.

We also have warfare going on within our hearts, the war of the Spirit against the flesh. In Galatians 5:17 it states:  “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh”.  And in Vs. 18 “But if ye be led by the Spirit, ye are not under the law.”  Just as Moses held high his arms as a banner to the Lord, thus giving victory to the Israelites over the Amelikites, so we hold to the control of the Spirit and we will have victory over the flesh.

Another portion that speaks to me of Jehovah-Nissi is in Song of Solomon.  This book typifies God’s love for Israel in the Old Testament, and it reminds us of Jesus’ relationship with the church in the New Testament.  In chapter 2 verse 4 from the Amplified Version, it says “He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love (for love waved as a protecting and comforting banner over my head when I was near him). “

Jehovah-Nissi is descriptive of God’s covering.  He protects, encourages, and is proud of us.  God’s banner is behind us, and over us.  He leads us with the banner of His love.

We can walk in victory today because we know Jehovah-Nissi can bring salvation and freedom and eternal life.  We go out with joy, raising the banner high, and we are led forth with peace.  (Isaiah 55:12) Amen, so be it!

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