Friday, March 29, 2013

The Agony and The Triumph

"And being in agony He was praying very fervently..." Luke 22:44
"But God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death..."  Acts 2:24

We can never know the 'agony' of Gethsemane.  Oswald Chambers says "it is the agony of God and man in one, face to face with sin."  Gethsemane was Satan's final onslaught against Christ as the 'Son of Man'.  It was here and on the Cross God and sin clashed.

But that is not the end!  The Cross was the 'triumph' of the 'Son of God' over sin, death and Satan.  It is at the Cross we can say with Paul "I am crucified with Christ."  It is at the Cross we can say "I live, yet not I but Christ lives within me."  It is at the Cross we are humbled, knowing it is Christ's agony of Gethsemane and the Cross that is also His triumph for saving the human race.  And now "He is seated at the right hand of the power of God."  Luke 2:69

Prayer:  Because of Your Agony, Lord Jesus, I can now enter in to the very presence of the Father.  Thank you for the agony and the triumph of the Cross.  You did it for me.  Amen

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