Monday, June 13, 2011

P is for Paraklete

According to ‘Wikipedia’, the word Paraklete means “advocate or helper”. In the Greek it is the word for “comforter”. It is spelled as “parakletos”, meaning coming along side.

In the New Testament we find in I John 2:1 it is speaking of Jesus Himself as the Paraklete. In John 14 Jesus says that He will send another comforter—“another Paraklete”. From Him saying ‘another’ it would indicate Jesus was already our Paraklete, and he would be sending another to take His place when He returned to the Father. The notes from the Scofield Bible explains further by saying Christ is the Christians ‘Paraklete’ with the Father and pleads the believer’s cause with God when that Christian sins.

The Holy Spirit is the Christians indwelling “Paraklete” to help each one, and to make intercession to the Father for us. Romans 8:26 states “The Spirit also helps our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we should.” He is the Spirit of Truth, teaching the believer and guiding him into the truth, convicting of sin, righteousness and judgement.

God the heavenly Father has come alongside through the Person of the Holy Spirit. He has put His everlasting arms around us and gives us strength and comfort, through our “parakletos” the Holy Spirit.

“When we think we can’t go one more step
           When the race becomes painful beyond endurance
                    When our hearts feel heavy,
                             When our mind’s become dull,
                                      When our spirits are burned out
                                             We have the “Parakletos” who comes along side us.”
From Anne Graham Lotz book: “Just Give me Jesus”

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