First we must understand (at least in part as is possible with our finite minds), what the job of the Holy Spirit is. He is the Executive Director of the works of God in behalf of man. He is the Divine Administrator (so to speak). What God the Father and God the Son purpose and plan, God the Holy Spirit brings it to pass. He is the Helper of the believer, and the one Jesus sent in His place to dwell among man.
In Revelation 1:4, John is sending salutations to the seven churches. The salutation comes in part from the ‘seven Spirits who are before the throne.’ This passage is speaking of the Holy Spirit in His completeness and perfection. Isaiah 11:2 lists for us the sevenfold Spirit of God: "And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him (Christ), the spirit of wisdom and understanding (we cannot understand of ourselves but He helps us understand), the spirit of counsel (He will counsel us so that we can help others) and might (the power of diety in Christ who is our power), the spirit of knowledge (knowing and understanding the things of God) and the fear of the Lord (through Him we learn to reverence the Lord)." This Spirit in all His perfection is now at work in the body of believers, and known as the ‘Church’. God in His gracious kindness and infinite wisdom works in each individual believer through the Holy Spirit.
It is so awesome to think that this very same perfect and complete person of the Holy Spirit actually indwells me. This is the gift, given to each believer, with no strings attached. This is GRACE.
1.From the heart of CC
2. From Notes by John I Paton (my father)
3. Practical Studies in Revelation by Theo. H. Epp
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