Among the titles for God, one that is used often for Christ, is ‘Bridegroom’. The description of the Bridegroom is actually used 14 times in the New Testament. The Church is called the ‘bride of Christ’, and therefore as the Bride, is spiritually united with Christ, the Bridegroom.
When I was a young girl, my friends and I would often discuss what we wanted in a husband, in our bridegroom. Of course we wanted him to be handsome and rich, definitely rich! It would be nice if he was an important person, maybe president of the country. He should be a good person, and be a faithful husband.
How do all these fantasies of the perfect husband compare to Christ as the perfect Bridegroom? One book of the Old Testament I enjoy reading when comparing Jesus to the Bridegroom, is the Song of Solomon. He is said to be fair and ruddy, his appearance is excellent, stately and majestic. Our bridegroom, Jesus, will be the desire of all nations, one of beauty and majesty.
As to our Bridegroom’s riches, they are infinite. He is heir of all things, and as His bride, we will be ‘joint heirs’ with Christ.
Will our Bridegroom be Important? Yes, He is the Son of the Most High God, Prince of Kings of the earth. He is equal to the Father, and Ruler of the Universe. Human language has no way of describing His glory—it is beyond words. It is through Him we live, and move, and have our being (Acts 17:28).
Jesus love passes all understanding. We are told His compassion’s are new every morning. His mercy and loving-kindness endures forever (Psalm 136). He loved His Bride so much He paid the price of sin and died in her place. He is willing to cover His bride with His own righteousness. He rejoices over the bride, and delights in her. Now, if that’s not ‘love’, what is!?
Will He be faithful? Truth and Faithfulness are Attributes of the nature of our Bridegroom. He will never change, which is another Attribute—Immutability. He is as faithful now as He ever will be or has been. He is ALL Faithful.
Christ will soon come to claim the bride, and we will reign with the Bridegroom for eternity. In the book of Revelation we read about our new home, the New Jerusalem. In John 14:2 He said He is preparing this home for us now.
"Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
Let us rejoice and be glad
And give Him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come
And His bride has made herself ready,
Fine linen, bright and clean
Was given her to wear.” Rev. 19:6-9
I for one can hardly wait to join my Bridegroom at that Celebration Banquet, our Wedding Feast. In Revelation 22:17 we are told “The Holy Spirit and the bride (true believers) say, Come!” and vs. 21 “Yes, come Lord Jesus!” Your Bride is waiting!