"The Lord is My Shepherd..." Psalm 23:1
Some of God's best known figures from Scripture were shepherds. In Exodus 3:1 Moses 'was shepherding the flock of Jethro.' I Samuel 16:11 says about David: "he is out tending the sheep." When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Luke 2:8 states "there were shepherds camping in the neighborhood". Mere 'shepherds', yet they were the first to be told of the good news of Jesus birth by none other than the angels from Heaven.
Our Lord compares Himself to a Shepherd. It is one of the most tender images given to us in my estimation, showing us that we are dependent on Him, and He watches us and protects us. A sheep needs good pastures and fresh grass to eat, and the shepherd leads them to the best he can find. The Lord also leads us to green pastures, to feed on Him, and on His Word. A sheep needs still waters to drink from, and the shepherd's concern is to find streams that are quiet. So our shepherd leads us beside 'still waters' to drink from His fountain of Living Water. The shepherd also protects his sheep from harm. In John 10:11 Jesus says: "I AM the Good Shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."
Think about it! He who holds the universe in His hands, who is the Almighty Creator, is also my shepherd, and yours. He it is that goes before us so we will not want for any thing.
"The Lord is My Sheperd, I shall not want."