The Holy Spirit was given to us when Jesus went back into Heaven. Jesus told His disciples that He would not leave them as orphans, but the Father would send them ‘another’ counselor to be with them forever. (John 14:18) Anne Graham Lotz calls Him "Another Jesus" because He is just like Jesus, only without a human body.
The Holy Spirit is so many things to us. He is our counselor, our comforter; He is our Helper, our advocate, and our strengthener, helping us to grow. The Holy Spirit is the "Spirit of Prayer". In Zech. 12:10 He is called "The Spirit of grace and supplications."
He is our Intercessor, and thereby He is our Prayer Partner. "The Spirit…makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God." (Romans 8:27).
I personally do not know how to pray, but from this verse I see that I am not alone in my praying. God knew I would be this way, and in His all-wise love He stooped to meet my helplessness by giving me and each of His children the Holy Spirit Himself to pray for us. With the help of our Prayer Partner, this Sweet Holy Spirit, we can with confidence lay our desires and heart-needs before God.
In every prayer we bring before God, we have the Triune God, the whole Trinity, taking part. We have God the Father who hears our prayers; the Son, our Lord Jesus in whose name we pray; and we have the Holy Spirit who prays in us and for us, and presents our prayers to the Father according to His Will. This Holy Spirit, our own special Prayer Partner, will lead us in our prayers to teach us to be intercessors who cry to Him day and night.
Father, Help me to know and reverence my Prayer Partner, this Sweet Holy ‘Spirit of Prayer!’ In Jesus name I pray, Amen